Picture 2
Destiny Cullen’s Choice: Picture 2
After an eighteen month fight with cancer, I was finally able to return home. I walked into my room and everything seemed so foreign. The books on my shelf seemed ages old. I laughed as I noticed my floral bedspread.
I took a deep breath and smiled. I was home at last; I beat the cancer. I could redecorate my room later. Throwing my body on top of my bed seemed like the best idea, that was until my head connected with something inside a pillow case. I groaned, rubbing my head as I pulled the pillows out of the case.
A thick green book slid out and flopped onto the bed. “Oh my god! It’s my journal!” I quickly pulled it into my arms. I hardly remember all the good things before all the chemotherapy and visiting doctor after doctor.
As I opened my journal the binding cracked, causing me to smile. Reading about my life a year and a half ago was shocking. I never really appreciated what I had. I had loving friends (which are still with me), had some really bad ones that never showed after the C word came out.
Hours later, after crying and laughing, I noticed one page blank. I grabbed a pen from my bedside table and started writing a list of the good things I wrote about in my journal. I made the title: The Good Things in Life. After I got through sixteen, I was ready to stop, But I wanted seventeen to represent my age.
“Olivia, your friends are here to visit you. I told them you need rest but they are ready to bust down the door.” I smiled at my mom and nodded. “I’ll be right there,” I laughed as I saw some silly string spray the living room window.
Before I went out into the living room to meet my friends, I figured out number seventeen. I scribbled it on the page and smiled.
“Olivia! Olivia!” My friends chanted from the hallway. I stood up and looked at my list one more time before going out with a grin lighting up my face.
17. Realizing the things you have, and being grateful for them.
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