Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Burntcore Week 51: I Agreed to What?


Picture 1

Picture 2

Burntcore's Choice: Picture 1

I Agreed to What?l

Colton and I were trying to find new cool place to go one weekend when he suggested the new modern art museum. Now, I love art, but I wasn’t sure about this particular museum ... it seemed maybe a little too modern. It had lots of clean lines, stark coloring, and was completely and totally devoid of any warmth.


But we both agreed to it, and maybe it wouldn’t be so bad once we were inside. I could only hope. I really hoped. I really, really, really hoped.

That Saturday, we stood outside the museum, examining the grounds. There were several outdoor installations that seemed to bring a bit more warmth to the museum but still seemed a bit too minimalist for my taste. Colton seemed equally ambivalent on how he felt about the pieces. Neither one of us meant any offense to the artists, but it just wasn’t our bag. However, we were here, so we were going to still go inside.

Entering the museum, we were struck by how under-dressed we seemed. It was the weekend, so we were in jeans and t-shirts. Plus, it wasn’t like there was a grand opening of a display or installation; it was just an ordinary Saturday. Apparently, not everyone felt that casual dress was appropriate for a day at the museum. Most of the patrons were dressed in skirts and suits and glared down their noses at us as we passed.

Not letting the snobbish attitude bother us, we continued through the museum. There were a few pieces that we didn’t even realize were pieces of art. We were standing there, holding hands, looking at two glossy bits of wall, when a security guard came over. He told us to let the art breathe. The piece looked like part of the building.

I sighed as we walked into another portion of the museum, which was even more minimalist and cold. Literally. It was literally forty degrees in the room. A placard when you walked in stated that the temperature was a part of the art.


And the big important thing that was in this specially chilled room? A metal sculpture in the middle of a blue spotlight. Nothing else. It wasn’t even an interesting sculpture, and I liked metalwork.

I turned to Colton. He had an equally bored look on his face.

“You ready to get outta here?” I asked.

“I thought you’d never ask,” he said with relief.

Laughing, we found the nearest exit and left a museum that was puffed up on its own awesomeness.


Mod note: I feel that the artist is trying to tell me something about my form. What do you think? *snicker*