Monday, September 26, 2011

Miss Beckie Louise Week 71: Our Ride to Melbourne

Miss Beckie Louise

Picture 1

Picture 2

Miss Beckie Louise's Choice: both

Our Ride to Melbourne

Today we were going to Melbourne. I couldn't wait it was going to be an awesome day out with the family. It was our annual family reunion and we all get along with each other which was perfect. Not all families had that luxury.

We all got up early and had our breakfast before meeting out in the car. I had packed my iPod with me so I wouldn't be bored on the way there as it was a couple of hours.

The next few hours passed by quite quickly considering how long we were sitting down for. I looked out my window the entire ride and saw some gorgeous fields. There was one I liked so much I managed to take a picture of it without it looking blurry.

It was a rapeseed field. The horizon going on for miles and miles. Mountains were the only thing blocking the view and it looked so pretty. Once I found my favourite field I looked at the picture for the rest of the ride. I couldn't wait to pass it once again on the way home.

When we arrived at the reunion. I was passed along the family giving hugs and having my cheeks pulled by Nanny and Pop. I loved them like crazy but god do they pull hard!

I saw Danny, the only cousin in this place that I'm actually pretty close to. I gave him a hug, while my hand was over his mouth so I could pull his cheek down for a quick peck. This was how we always greeted each other. It was slightly weird but it worked for us.

“Have a good ride?” he asked me and wrapped his arm around me before pulling me out into the garden.

“Yeah, it was great!” I said.

The rest of the day passed quickly and soon enough it was time for going home. These reunions never last long enough. Especially if they only last for about 12 hours. It sucked but if we all saw each other too often we'd all feel suffocated.

I couldn't wait till next year. It was going to be great!